Random observations on kids, exercise, sports, and whatever else comes up.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vacation Observations

1. Until I become a mindreader, I will have to just accept the fact that sometimes toddlers just fuss.

2. It is better to sit in front of or behind people who look like grandparents on the plane and bus. Grandparents are far more accepting of my toddler's behavior than younger businessmen.

3. One sippy cup is not enough.

4. A well-rested toddler is happier travelling companion than a tired one. Don't expect him to sleep on the plane. He won't.

5. Hotel suite with 2 bedrooms, a living area and a kitchen is the best idea ever. Hotel that offers free hot breakfast in the lobby is the second best idea ever.

6. Hide-and-seek is just as fun in a hotel suite as it is at home.

7. So is bathtime.

8. If there are steps, he will attempt to climb them.

9. If there is a dance floor, he will be on it, even if he doesn't know how to dance.

10. A toddler will not enjoy touring lighthouses as much as I will (neither will my husband, for that matter, but he'll at least humor me), but he'll sure look cute in the pictures.

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